Ángel Jacinto (6D, XYX, Penetración Cósmica) and Tallow come together in this unrequited moody feeling cover song of Chris Bell's You and Your Sister 47 years later.
This song was recorded and mixed by Ángel Jacinto, with Tallow on vocals and Ula Kinder on medieval fiddle. Queens, NY; 2025.
Six Day Tallow is a ghost band by Ángel Jacinto of 6D and Tallow. Collect this moody cover song of You and Your Sister that is officially out on February 13th of 2025 (ringtone included only on Metalabel). The song, recorded and produced by Ángel Jacinto (6D), with Tallow on vocals, and Ula Kinder on the medieval fiddle, will also have its music video release in-person at Videodome (in Brooklyn, NY) on Valentine's Eve, and online on YouTube!